Monday, April 28, 2008

Characteristics of High Performance Teams

Author by Terence R. Traut

Abstract: Based on significant research, Entelechy has defined characteristics of effective teams.

Entelechy reviewed over 50 studies on high performance teams and compiled a list of high performance team characteristics. We grouped characteristics into eight categories as indicated on the graphic below.

Participative Leadership Aligned On Purpose And Vision Task Focused

Shared Responsibility Innovative

Problem Solving

Strong Communication Responsive

Self Monitoring

See if your team shares characteristics of High Performance Teams. Circle the characteristics that describe your team; cross off those that don't describe your team.

PARTICIPATIVE LEADERSHIP Envisioning leadership and organizing leadership Clear leadership role that is shared Enables people to make choices Shared norms

Shared values

Members drawn to the team Team identity

Belonging/membership Synergism

Future focused

ALIGNED ON PURPOSE AND VISION Common shared purpose Clear shared vision Self directing

High morale

Team goals align with personal goals and organization goals

Problem solving, not laying blame Clear, shared understanding of team members' roles


Challenging tasks Individual accountability/ownership Equality in workload Quality focus

Clear tasks and milestones Mutual respect for ability Commitment

SHARED RESPONSIBILITY Shared decision making Rewards linked to team performance Recognize expertise/value added in individuals Cooperation

Clear standards of acceptable performance Celebrates success Clear authority and responsibility Contribution

Members responsible for team success


Creative talents

May promote personal relationships Respect for individuals Empowered and empowering


Upfront and direct; confronts issues not people Trust

Clear decision-making process Conflicts managed well Freedom to express ideas Freedom to share opinions

STRONG COMMUNICATION Superb communication Open communication Openness

Clear communication channels Share common language and terminology External communications Time managed well Structure, purposeful meetings (facilitator, timekeeper, recorder, scribe)


Unite/partner with other teams Flexible

Outward focused

Focus on the customer Allows risks and mistakes Promotes group learning


Self correcting; evaluates its own performance Individuals pleased with work results Assigns opposing views

About the Author

Terence R. Traut is the president of Entelechy, Inc., a company that helps organizations unlock the potential of their people through customized training programs in the areas of sales, management, customer service, and training. Check out our 40 customizable modules, training tools, and eGuides at Terence can be reached at 603-424-1237 or

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