Monday, April 28, 2008

Leaving Your Financial Wilderness

Author by Joyce C. Lock

One’s instinct to survive goes against giving all, as if we’d lose all that’s left. And, whatever we think we possess is just a figment of our imagination. Yet, we cling to it for dear life.

Consider conscious choices you’ve made. Didn't you think they were yours? Truth is, every thought keeping us separate from God is based upon a lie. Logic, not given us by the Spirit, is based upon misplaced faith. Apart from God, we're not even in our right minds. They aren't our thoughts at all, but Satan’s planting!

Giving all isn't throwing everything out the window. It isn't about being good enough. It’s a choice of the heart to choose God and His direction in all things.

Perhaps you want a new sofa, but would have to charge it. So, you seek God, who reminds of scripture to not owe any man.

Do you kick and scream about your wants? Or, have you, yet, been burnt enough that, if God isn't in it, you already know you don't want it?

Choose God. Soon, someone may be giving away their sofa. Just think of the financial bondage you’ll have averted!

Perhaps you want a special blouse. But, there is greater need to pay bills. God knows your furnace will be going out next week and you'll otherwise come up short. Will you argue? Or, are you done being on the losing end?

It's the end of the month and your glasses break. You can't do without them. So, you place your faith in your charge card. Right?

Is there no God? Did you even stop to ask His way? Perhaps new lenses would fit in your old pair of glasses. But, you never thought of that! Well, it could be because you didn't ask.

Ok, so that option doesn’t suite you. Maybe someone, long forgotten, will return money owed to you. Just don’t short change God.

These are only some of the steps of faith we may take, knowing that only God knows the way out of our financial wilderness. And, in such, He helps us to become stronger with each step we take - growth, later, proving to have been beneficial to our calling.

Eventually, we come to realize God cares about everything we care about and He is trustworthy to do the most loving thing possible. And, once we finally realize it all belongs to Him, we discover He owns it all!

© 2003 by Joyce C. Lock

This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact,

for non-profit ministering purposes.

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