Monday, April 28, 2008

Financial Freedom = Delayed Gratification

Author by Vishy Narayanan

What is delayed gratification? Do you stop to

wonder? It appears that the self storage

industry is growing out of control. Even worse,

it is people who have a place called home that

are using these places to a great extent. I was

listening to an interesting program on the

radio that was discussing this issue. I must say

that I was surprised and shocked.

I always thought that these places were used by

people in transit. But, if people have the need

to rent these places on a long term basis, I

have to wonder if the American culture of wanting

everything now, has gone a bit too far.

I was discussing this with one of my friends

recently. Guess, I touched on a weak spot here.

He admitted that he had been spending $200 every

month for the past six years on renting a little

space in the neighborhood. I asked him what he had

stored in there. He said "this and that, I don't

even remember. I have not even taken a look in the

past four years.". You know that $200/month invested

wisely could have made a lot of money for him. I

think that he will be clearing out that place and

giving his "wealth" away to the Salvation Army soon.

What do you think about the consumer credit

growing without control. Is this something that

each one of us should be concerned about?

I am not saying that we should not enjoy our lives

or live in total misery. Contrary to that, I

like to live an excellent life and have the things

that I need. But, that does not mean that I

should not care about when I get what I get. I

think that it is easy to get in debt, but getting

out is a whole other story.

We all deserve true Financial Freedom, but only

when we are willing to pay the price and make the

necessary sacrifices.

We should feel good in getting the rewards that

we have earned, rather than borrowing it from

someone at an exhorbitant price.

Vishy Narayanan

Author and Guide On Your Path to Financial Freedom

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